Not all noise reduction are screens. DAV NORDIC also carries out other types of outdoor noise reduction.
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Noise reduction outdoors is most often abandoned by requirements for how much noise a business, a road or another noise source must make in a boundary. Sometimes, the best solution is not to put up a noise barrier. It may also be that you have a noise screen set up in advance, but that it does not dampen the noise sufficiently.
Such solutions are always special solutions and are typically needed in situations where the noise source is located differently than usual, where it is necessary to cover an existing shell or construction due to lack of space for a classic noise shield, or there is a design desire for an alternative solution.
We advise, project, deliver and install the special solution needed to reduce noise in your project. We benefit from the many years of experience we have in solving noise problems along the road and railway networks in Denmark. Based on the right business partners and suppliers, DAV NORDIC has access to all relevant products. This benefits you, because regardless of what requirements you make, DAV NORDIC has a solution.
Below you will find a description of situations in which we have already helped customers reduce noise. These are just examples of noise-reducing solutions where screens or walls are not the solution.
Shooting range installations or other outdoor areas where the activities are noisy for the neighbors may have the potential for sound attenuation with suspended sound baffles. This type of noise reduction is highly effective and the results are remarkable. The specific solution varies from project to project and with access to a wide range of products, DAV NORDIC always ensures the right solution for the project.
In some situations, it may be an option to cover an existing construction with a noise-absorbing coating. This can be, for example, on a building, at goods delivery gates, car parks, factories and existing screens. We solved such a task on the Silkeborg Motorway, where we retrofitted a sound-absorbing coating on the existing noise screen.
For several years, noise from the motorway has been a major burden for residents living near the motorway in Nyborg. With the installation of the…
DAV NORDIC has supplied a 155-meter-long noise barrier for a brand-new school in Kødbyen, located in the heart of Copenhagen. The noise barrier is partially…
Schüttesvej, one of the main access roads to Horsens, has been expanded from two to four lanes. DAV NORDIC supplied products from three of its…
DAV NORDIC delivered a unique multifunctional noise barrier to Fredericia Port. With foundations placed 20 meters below ground level and a height of 10 meters…
Two identical noise barriers, totaling 2.1 km, reduce noise in the neighboring towns of Meløse and Kregme in North Zealand. Residents in the surrounding residential…
Sjælsø Shooting Range has been muted with 41.000 sound baffles delivered to the Armed Forces over the last four months. The result is a huge…
For Barslund, DAV NORDIC has delivered and fitted an approx. 2 km long noise screen at Bramdrupdam in Kolding. The noise screen is the tallest…
DAV NORDIC has been working on Nordhavnsvej for 2½ years – Copenhagen Municipality’s biggest road project. Nordhavnsvej has been linked to the Helsingør Highway, and…
Silkeborg Highway – an apprenticeship piece for DAV NORDIC From traffic guard to architectural sensory experience Ulrik Toft Marcussen, CEO of DAV NORDIC explains: “I consider…
Our committed and skilled advisers are ready to help you with solutions that both take into account good finances, the working environment and high quality.
Describe your project to us and we will get an expert advisor to contact you as soon as possible.