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Sydmotorvejen from Lellinge to Rødbyhavn is being upgraded

DAV NORDIC is in charge of the upgrade and renewal of road guard on the access- and exit ramps on Sydmotorvejen for The Road Directorate (M30 from North Lellinge to South Rødbyhavn)

Extensive delivery

The delivery is extensive and due in fall 2015. The project consists of 8.000 m new road guard and 47 energy absorbent crash barrier endings. In addition, signs are being put up by certain highway ramps and adjustments and restorations will be made to the existing crash barriers.

Not the first delivery

DAV NORDIC has previously done similar work. In 2014, DAV NORDIC handled the upgrade and renewal of crash barrier and such on Vestmotorvejen (M20) for The Road Directorate.