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DAV NORDIC continues the delivery for Aarhus Letbane

DAV NORDIC has received additional orders for Aarhus Letbane and delivers approx. 2.600 m handrailings for 7 bridges in 2014

The railings are delivered in many custom types and customised for each project. They will partly be used to secure cyclists and pedestrians and partly to secure the workers in regard to railway work on the emergency platforms.

The first bridge over the core track element

A completely new S-shaped bridge is being raised west of the Ringgade bridge in Aarhus, where the light railway is crossing the railway tracks. It will be 120 m in length, raised about 8 m over the existing tracks and will be the first bridge over the core track element. Latest, DAV NORDIC has the order of 860 m custom-made railings for this contract, and Per Aarsleff A/S is the main contractor on the task. The project is primarily delivered and assembled in 2014.