Traffic islands with setts from DAV NORDIC for Favrskov Municipality

Favrskov Municipality has chosen 20 traffic islands with setts from DAV NORDIC, as a traffic moderating solution in Thorsø. It is a clear advantage that the islands are portable and can be moved, and the setts give them a nice finish that suits the area.

  • Service: 20 traffic islands with setts
  • Builder: Favrskov Municipality
  • Entrepreneur: DAV NORDIC Ltd
  • Subcontractor:
  • Advisor:

Inclusion of the citizens

There is an increase in traffic in several places inThorsø, and an upgrade of the existing traffic moderators is needed. To ensure that the solution is optimal, Favrskov Municipality has chosen to involve the citizens.

Engineer Thomas Sæderup from the Traffic & Roads union in Favrskov Municipality explains:

We have walked around the area with the spokesmen for the citizens, and together found a solution we believe is the best suitable. We are now marking the locations and setting up the islands. Over the summer we will receive comments and feedback and do adjustments to the locations

Thomas Sæderup, engineer from Traffic & Roads union in Favrskov Municipality

Portable traffic modules

Thomas Sæderup continues: “It is a great advantage, that the islands are portable, so we can simply change the placement of the islands, and the ones with setts, are an attractive solution.”

Besides, the traffic islands from DAV NORDIC have an extra element. A snow stick that can be placed on the island, if there is notice of a large amount of snow. This way the placement of the island is always visible. 

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