Assembly in regard to roadprojects and traffic safety


Assembly work in the road sector requires specific knowledge, experience and expertise, all abilities whom DAV NORDIC possess. Our goal is high quality, flexibility and on-time delivery. We always comply with all safety requirements in relation to both road users and employees. Our good cooperation with customers and authorities is natural in this context.

When we carry out assembly tasks within the road sector, our focus is:

  • ​Precision
  • ​Economy
  • ​Easy maintenance and operation
  • ​Least possible physical and mental pressure on our installers

The way we achieve this is by innovative thinking in work processes and the development of new methods.


All our installers are specially trained and have participated in courses that qualify them to work on the state and municipal road network as well as on the railway network. They are routined and have many years of experience.

This enables them to safely carry out assembly tasks, maintain calm and keep an overview even in very difficult conditions.

For assembly, we use quality machines and equipment, which are continuously checked and inspected. The workplaces/places are carefully designed and planned so that our installers have good working conditions that ultimately ensure high quality for the customers.

Read more about our road products:


You want to know more?

Our committed and skilled advisers are ready to help you with solutions that both take into account good finances, the working environment and high quality.


Bjørn Lyng

Project Manager
+45 24 45 77 37

Visit our danish website to see our product selection guide