Copenhagen Historic Grand Prix

The Copenhagen Historic Grand Prix has been held at Bellahøj in Copenhagen for 11 years, and each year it has required a series of road changes. DAV NORDIC has now developed a special solution that will make an important road modification easier and faster to carry out in the future.​​

  • Service: 3 traffic modules made from 7 elements
  • Builder The Municipality of Copenhagen
  • Entrepreneur: DAV NORDIC A/S
  • Subcontractor:
  • Advisor:
Project Manager

Christian Lykke Frost

Project Manager
+45 54 34 33 24

DAV NORDIC delivers special solution

The Copenhagen Historic Grand Prix has been held at Bellahøj in Copenhagen for 11 years, and each year it has required a series of road changes. DAV NORDIC has now developed a special solution that will make an important road modification easier and faster to carry out in the future.

The Copenhagen Historic Grand Prix is the flagship of Danish motorsport. The race, which celebrates old classic cars, has been held for 11 years at Bellahøj in Copenhagen. More than 38,500 guests and 150 drivers attend the race, showing the strong support for the event.

Traffic changes on the roads

In the heavily trafficked intersection of Borups Alle/Frederikssundsvej, a pedestrian crossing guides foot traffic across the 6-lane road. To ensure the safety of pedestrians, there are traffic modules on the road, which until now have been a stationary solution built on the road. This solution is time-consuming to remove and can take up to a week to re-establish, causing significant disruption to traffic. As a result, the intersection has had a temporary solution for an extended period while a better and safer solution was sought. That solution has now been found.

New flexible traffic safety solution

DAV NORDIC has now developed a special solution for the intersection. The solution consists of modular traffic units that can be quickly assembled and bolted to the ground. This means they can be removed quickly and reinstalled in less than a day after the race. The traffic light mast, which is part of the traffic module, can be mounted separately with or without the traffic module, making the solution highly flexible. Three modules have been delivered, consisting of seven units, and this is the first special solution within DAV NORDIC’s extensive range of mobile traffic modules that has been manufactured.

Read more about traffic modules here.

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