Lighting at Aarhus bus station

To ensure safe and secure traffic in the heavily congested area of Aarhus bus station, DAV NORDIC has supplied extra-strong steel poles for a wire suspension system with light fixtures. This creates a canopy of lights that illuminates the entire area.

  • Service: 19 conical steelpoles with finishing ring 18 mm
  • Builder: The Municipality of Aarhus
  • Entrepreneur: Verdo
  • Subcontractor: DAV NORDIC A/S
  • Advisor: Fredsted Consulting
Project Manager

Michael Pedersen

Sales Manager
+45 40 19 21 39

Extra robust steel poles support lighting canopy over Aarhus Bus Station

To create safe and secure traffic in the heavily congested area of the Aarhus bus station, DAV NORDIC has provided extra-strong steel poles for a wire suspension system with light fixtures, forming a canopy that lights up the entire area.

The area around Aarhus bus station is a transportation hub where many buses, cars, cyclists, and pedestrians meet daily. Ensuring safe and efficient public transportation was crucial during the planning process.

In October 2020, Aarhus Municipality began the demolition of the old underground parking lot beneath the bus station. The parking lot had to be removed due to the risk of collapse. After filling in the hole left by the parking lot, a new bus station was established on the site. DAV NORDIC delivered 19 conical poles with finishing rings for the project. Verdo was the contractor for the lighting project, and Fredsted Consulting served as the consultant.

How to ensure safe public transportation?

The underground parking lot beneath Aarhus bus station was in such poor condition that it was no longer safe to support heavy traffic above. The necessary demolition initiated a project to redesign the space, and a key part of the new project was uniform lighting across the entire area, unaffected by parked buses. Buses usually create dark spots, which can cause insecurity for those in the area. In close collaboration with Fredsted Consulting, a suitable solution was found that all parties could agree on:

Relatively early in the process, it became clear to all involved that the best lighting solution would be a wire-suspended lighting system. This would minimize the number of poles in the area and ensure that buses were illuminated from all sides. DAV NORDIC approached the task constructively and quickly proposed a pole solution featuring an especially strong conical pole for the job.

Ole Kjærgård, Fredsted Consulting

In addition, the consultant devised a solution with 70 light fixtures on a special wire system, which almost resembles a spider web when viewed from above. To support the wire system at a height of 8 meters, the municipality wanted the sleek appearance of round conical poles. Today, just 19 robust poles support all 70 light fixtures. The significant forces exerted by the wire system required the conical poles to have a thickness of 18mm.

Unique Pole Technology for 70 Light Fixtures
To achieve the 18mm wall thickness, a special technique was developed for manufacturing conical poles with extra-thick walls. In this case, three 6mm conical shells were pressed together to form a pole with a total wall thickness of 18mm. Afterward, hatches and other details were processed. It is rare to see a wall thickness of 18mm, and producing poles with such a high thickness is a significant challenge. DAV NORDIC has the necessary expertise and production capabilities to achieve this success.

Design’s impact on the area and lighting

It was important that the design of the light fixtures and the wire system did not become too large or dominant, allowing for an unobstructed view of the sky. Therefore, the solution was designed to have a light and transparent appearance, with a minimalist LED fixture for the wire suspension. Even with 70 light fixtures mounted in the area, the wires and fixtures do not dominate the sky above Aarhus bus station.

A wire system is anchored between the poles, with one, two, or three light fixtures mounted. Inside each pole is a driver that allows for the desired placement of the light fixtures, ensuring illumination regardless of whether buses are present.

DAV NORDIC also produced a neat finishing ring at ground level, allowing easy access to the foundation bolts for future adjustments. The finishing ring borders the raised areas with a brushed concrete surface and blends well into the surroundings.

Once again, DAV NORDIC was constructive, and together we created a nice finishing ring around the pole, solving the task while integrating naturally into the platform areas, allowing for free passage around the poles. All in all, a very good and constructive collaboration on a solution that none of us had previously implemented.

Ole Kjærgård, Fredsted Consulting

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