Intelligent port traffic system

DAV NORDIC has supplied MILEWIDE poles for a new intelligent port traffic system for Scandlines’ Rødby-Puttgarten ferry route. The built-in rail system of the MILEWIDE poles allows for the installation of both smart cameras and sensors on the poles, facilitating quick ticketing.

  • Service: 65 multifunctional MILEWIDE poles and 40 conical lighting poles
  • Builder: Scandlines
  • Entrepreneur: DAV NORDIC A/S
  • Subcontractor:
  • Advisor: Agicon
Project Manager

Michael Pedersen

Sales Manager
+45 40 19 21 39

DAV NORDIC supplies MILEWIDE poles for intelligent port traffic system

DAV NORDIC is Denmark’s leading pole supplier. We manufacture and deliver aluminum and steel poles for a wide range of applications and offer Denmark’s most extensive selection. In addition to our in-house production of MILEWIDE poles, we collaborate with some of Europe’s leading pole manufacturers, enabling us to provide all types of pole solutions.

It is optimal that we can use standard components and standard poles for the solution. This makes it attractive. The solution was developed in collaboration with DAV NORDIC, and the partnership has been excellent. I highly recommend DAV NORDIC as an innovative and reliable supplier.

Per Søholt, Advisor from Agicon

65 multifunctional standard MILEWIDE poles

The project, named the Free Flow Port Project, includes 65 multifunctional standard design poles from MILEWIDE. Additionally, 40 conical lighting poles from Metalogalva have been supplied. DAV NORDIC manufactures the MILEWIDE poles, which feature a built-in rail system allowing for the installation of smart cameras and sensors. We have also produced two special brackets for mounting and positioning the cameras and sensors, which can be adjusted via these brackets.

Improved traffic management with eco-friendly solution

The solution for Scandlines ensures better traffic management and thus reduced environmental impact. Passengers also benefit from time savings. The smart cameras and sensors are standard components specifically assembled for this solution and interact with Scandlines’ booking system, updating all data related to each unit. For passenger cars, information such as nationality, size, vehicle type, and number of occupants is updated. For trucks, data including weight, number of axles, axle load, speed, hazardous goods, and container information is also updated.

“Mobile blocks” – mobile foundations

DAV NORDIC has supplied mobile foundations, also known as “Mobile Blocks,” for the solution. Many of the poles are mounted in these foundations, which allow the poles to be moved using a standard forklift and repositioned as needed. This provides a flexible and user-friendly system, allowing the port to adjust its functions as required.

Rødby-Puttgarden is operated by Scandlines, which has a tradition of green innovation. The ferry route between Rødby and Puttgarden was established in 1963, and today it operates more than 60 times daily throughout the year. The port areas in both Rødby and Puttgarden are now being renovated with the intelligent port traffic system, making ticketing both green and efficient.

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