DAV NORDIC contributes to art

DAV NORDIC has supplied masts for art installations several times, most recently delivering a 32-meter-high mast to Herning Station under the name “Endless Lamppost.”

  • Service: 32 meter high light pole
  • Builder: The Municipality of Herning
  • Entrepreneur: A Kassen
  • Subcontractor: DAV NORDIC A/S
  • Advisor:
Project Manager

Emil Mortensen

Department Manager
+45 50 85 38 07

The endless mast

The artist group “A Kassen” works through art to rethink everyday situations and place them in a new context. They often draw inspiration from readymades, as was the case when they contacted DAV NORDIC. They wanted a mast created that would appear to continue “endlessly.” Emil Mortensen, head of the mast department at DAV NORDIC, explains:

“We received this unconventional request for a 32-meter mast, which also required that it be 100% identical to the masts already installed at Herning Station. The existing light masts are 8 meters high, so we’re talking about quadrupling the height. It was an exciting challenge, and at first, we weren’t entirely sure we could solve it, as it required a supplier with the tools to produce such a massive mast. So, we started sourcing suppliers across Europe. Another requirement was that the mast had to be round, which is unusual for such a tall mast. However, we managed to meet all the requirements without compromise, which we are very pleased with.”

A striking landmark for the area

Endless Lamppost is the name of the mast. By enlarging a standard streetlight, it raises questions about why the city looks the way it does. Endless Lamppost inspires a playful perspective on everyday life and serves as a minimalist, sculptural guidepost to the station. It adds to the series of conceptual and minimalist works that Herning is known for.

Morten Steen Hebsgaard from A Kassen, one of the four members of the artist group, says:

“We have been creating art together in A Kassen for 20 years and have used readymades many times. This forces the viewer to see everyday life in a new way. At the same time, we like the idea that the art installation can become a landmark for the area and perhaps a new meeting place in Herning. While Pierre Manzoni’s Socle du Monde looks downward, Endless Lamppost looks upward and outward. That was an extra twist to the piece,” Morten Steen Hebsgaard continues: “We’ve had a great collaboration with DAV NORDIC. It’s perfect that they were able to have this mast specially manufactured so that it’s 100% identical to the other masts at the station.”

Herning: A city of art

The art installation was created based on a competition organized by Herning Municipality after Herning Station was renovated in 2017. Like all other masts, the supplied mast has an “arm” at the top and is built on an extremely solid foundation, as it is permitted to sway up to 3 meters at the top—1.5 meters in each direction.

Previously, DAV NORDIC delivered masts for another art installation in Herning, an installation on Herning’s pedestrian street as part of the annual light festival. Three light masts hold the art installation in place and illuminate it in different colors.

Project gallery

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