Who and what is DAV NORDIC?

DAV NORDIC A/S has more than 90 years of experience, and supplies and assembles products and solutions for infrastructure projects and construction in Denmark and Sweden.

DAV NORDIC profile

The company changed its name from Dansk Autoværn to DAV NORDIC per 04/01/19 and has found a name that both incorporates the story and reflects the company today.

DAV NORDIC is the market leader in traffic safety and noise reduction solutions. In addition, the company has a large light poles department and delivers and assembles quality steel solutions for the construction industry. The company has a strong culture and competent employees with many years of experience. The foundation is credibility, thoroughness and high quality, and the company’s services must create the greatest possible value for customers.

Strong group

The company is 100% Danish-owned by Troldhøj Holding A/S and is part of the Troldhøj Group along with 8 other Danish companies. The companies have in common that they develop/produce some of the finest products in their field. They are characterised by high delivery reliability, quality, and design. DAV NORDIC also has a subsidiary in Sweden.

High competitiveness

​DAV NORDIC has high competitiveness. The company has specially selected Europe’s leading traffic safety solutions, noise reduction solutions, light poles and steel for the construction industry and delivers solutions to the Danish and Swedish markets. 

The company is strong in project management, assembly and technical consulting, and delivers project-optimised products and solutions that take into account both a good economy, working environment and high quality.

The company is known for its high quality and timely delivery – quality and delivery are about credibility and it is ensured through careful planning. DAV NORDIC also handles the maintenance of 80% of all Danish roads.

Strong teamwork and stability

DAV NORDIC has several employees with 30 years of experience and is characterized by stability and strong teamwork. Management focuses on creating a framework that engages and motivates, and employees want to provide the best solution and service to customers. In recent years, in connection with the company’s growth, management has focused on hiring new young employees, so that a mix of experienced and young forces has been achieved. That makes DAV NORDIC incredibly strong.

Competent customers

DAV NORDIC has a strong and long-standing cooperation with the Danish Road Authorityes and Banedanmark. In addition, the company has largely carried out infrastructure projects in collaboration with all leading Danish contractors.​

Video: DAV NORDIC presentation

​DAV NORDIC has several employees with 30 years of experience and is characterized by stability and strong teamwork. Management focuses on creating a framework that engages and motivates, and employees want to provide the best solution and service to customers.

91 employees Talented and inspiring
538 projects Ongoing
92 % employees Recommends working with us