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DAV NORDIC reduces noise on Silkeborg Highway

DAV NORDIC A/S has won all four contracts for the noise reduction enterprises of Silkeborg Highway. The noise from the highway needs to be further reduced, and therefore The Road Directorate has initiated a number of measures, which will be completed at the end of the year. The first noise reducing solution at Skærbækvej has been completed. A 3 m high and approx. 200 m long standard noise screen.

120 tons of noise screen dismantled

In week 26, the two major noise suppression projects were initiated. DAV NORDIC removed 120 tons of acrylic sheets from the current noise shield and replaced them with 3.200 pc. of noise-absorbing aluminum cassettes.

The cassettes are custom made to fit exactly into the existing columns. The current noise shield over Gudenåen is maintained so that the beautiful view of the water is preserved. The contract will be completed in September.​

Noise suppression of 4.7 meters high spun wall

​​The third major contract is the noise reduction of the 4.7 meter high sheet pile. The sheet pile is cladded on both sides with noise-reducing material. It is a big logistical task to lift, as the prefabricated components are almost all unique. DAV NORDIC is very strong in managing these types of projects. The contract will be completed by the beginning of December 2019 and will affect traffic with speed reduction.

The fourth contract is a 1.600 m long noise screen at the residential area of ​​Funder Kirkeby. The screen is on some sections of the stretch up to 6 m, and the architectural company Skaarup Landskab has chosen the screen in a brown hue that fits well into the area. The screen will be established from August to December.